2013年6月30日 星期日

英文慣用語30句第二集(English Idioms Episode II) 7-1-2013

英文慣用語30句第二集(English Idioms Episode II)


─摘自《英漢成語異同比較》作者 肖芬(Xiao Fen)老師,中國,中南財經政法大學外語學院副教授。


Content of English Idioms Episode II(30 Items)
01. A hat trick.
02. A little bird told me.
03. A uphill task.
04. At a crossroad.
05. Barking up the wrong tree.
06. Be all ears.
07. Bit/Push the panic button.
08. Bite off more than you can chew.
09. Bite the bullet.
10. Bite the dust.
11. Break a leg.
12. Bring house down.
13. Burn your fingers.
14. Burn the candle at both ends.
15. Can of worms.
16. Caught red handed.
17. Face the music.
18. Finger-pointing/The blame game.
19. Flights of fancy.
20. In a nutshell.
21. In the nick of name.
22. Keep eye on the ball.
23. Keep your fingers crossed.
24. Pants on fire.
25. Push/Bit the panic button.
26. Read between the lines.
27. Stab in the back.
28. Take a beating.
29. Take it with a pinch of salt.
30. The last straw.

Answers of 10 most beautiful English Idioms

1.Answers of 10 most beautiful English Idioms

1. It takes two to tango一個巴掌拍不響

「誘惑、情色」之意,很容易讓人聯想起它的同音異形詞tangle「糾纏在一起」。看過奧斯卡影帝艾爾帕西諾(Al Pacino)主演的《女人香》Scent of a Woman )的網友們,想必還記得其中Al Pacino tango的定義

“If you make a mistake, get all tangled up, just tango on.”

It takes two to tango其實是取了tangle的諧音,而It takes two to tango是由英國慣用語It takes two to make a quarrel「一個巴掌拍不響」衍生而來。

A conflict is not the fault of just one person or the other; they are often both to blame, because it takes two to tango.


2. It takes two to tango.

2. Variety is the spice of life多彩的生活才有情趣

spice of life


Variety is the spice of life.

Variety is the spice of life. 多彩的生活才有情趣。

3. Every cloud has a silver line. 撥雲見日

每一朵烏雲,在陽光透過的時候,總會留下銀亮的邊,這就是英文諺語中Every cloud has a silver lining.的原意,意思就是只在生命中的每個陰霾與困境中,總會有個撥雲見日的時刻。


If you say that every cloud has a silver lining, you mean that every sad or unpleasant situation has a positive side to it.
If you talk about
a silver lining, you are talking about something positive that comes out of a sad or unpleasant situation.

4. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.是五十步笑百步的意思,與"The pot calling the kettle black."有異曲同工之妙。

People should not criticize other people for faults that they have themselves.犯有過錯的人不應去批評旁人或投鼠忌器。

5. Burn your bridges. 不要自斷後路

英文有句意思差不多的話:Don't burn your bridges.(不要燒掉自己的橋)。做人應該為自己多留一點餘地。

Keep in touch with your former boss; do not burn your bridges.


A smooth resignation without burning your bridges may benefit your future career. 和諧圓通的辭職而不切斷關係,對你將來事業也許有助。

Some people may burn their bridges after they think they no longer need

them. 有些人認為他們不再需要時,就切斷關係。(類似咱們所謂「過河拆橋」)

burn your bridges也可指一般的意思:During the war, the enemy may burn your bridges. 戰爭中,敵人也許會消掉你的橋樑。

6. Burning the midnight oil.

burn the midnight oil /stay up/ pull an all-night

I stayed up last night for my final test.
= I pulled an all-night for my final test.
= I burned the midnight for my final test.

Before they had electric lamps, people used oil-burning lamps to read or work in the darkness at night.

I could see the light in your window last night. It looks like you have been burning the midnight oil.

When you are working very hard until late at night you are burning the midnight oil.

Has your son been working hard to prepare for his final exams?

Reply: He sure has. He's been up each night burning the midnight oil.

He pulled an all-night last night.


『熬夜的用法除了 stay up 之外, pull an all-nighter 也很常用, 但是像以前高中時學過的burn the midnight oil大概除了看TIME雜誌偶爾可以看到之外, 一般人是很少這樣用的. 例如:I pulled an all-nighter last night preparing my final project.。』-----摘自小笨霖英文筆記本17常用片語



How are you doing 是最常用的, How are you 次之, Howdy 則是簡稱!
儘量不要用 Good bye, 或是 So long 這樣的用法, 在這裏相當少見.

可是我看1976Robert DeNino主演的《Taxi Driver》兩個多小時的電影裡,從頭到尾Robert DeNino都以so long跟老美說再見1976距今應該還不算太久遠吧!

這些英文高手們大概可以借用電影《6 days 7 nights》中Harrison Ford評論女主角Anne Heche的話You are opinionated, you areand stuck up.來調侃一番吧?

順便一提,《Taxi Driver》電影中的Jodie Forster有夠年輕天真的,當時她才14歲,一副稚氣未脫的模樣!

7. Water under the bridge  過去的事、木已成舟

 I forgive your mistake. It's water under the bridge now.

A: I often recall how badly he treated me before.
B:[Let bygones be bygones.
Put the past behind you. Make peace with the past.
A: I am sorry I broke up with you when we were in high school.
B: Don't worry. It's water under the bridge.

8. Wear your heart on your sleeve.

To wear your heart on your sleeve isn't a very good plan; you should wear it inside, where it functions best.

瑪格麗特·希爾達·戴卓爾,戴卓爾女男爵Margaret Thatcher (1925 -2013), interview with Barbara Walters on ABC-TV, March 18, 1987

Your friend may, however, warn you not to wear your heart on your sleeve.

It is better to not wear your heart on your sleeve.


9. What goes around comes around.種瓜得瓜、種豆得豆。

The American version, "What goes around comes around," refers to the way karma operates in the social world. As you treat people, so they will treat you, eventually if not soon.

是在強調「種什麼因、得什麼果」的概念。句中的 " around " 提醒著大家...世界是圓的,事情總是轉回來的。

You made your own bed, (now lie in it.) 自食惡果

中國人相信因果報應,今天種下什麼因由或禍根,將來就要承受什麼結果。所以我們說種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆種善因得善果或者善有善報,惡有惡報,英文也有相似的說法:What goes around comes around.
除此之外,也有句諺語:As you sow, so shall you reap. 都是種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆的意思,也可簡單地說:Get what you deserve.(得到你應得的報應)。印度人特別相信輪回即因果報應理論,英文即稱為Karma

10. Two’s company, three’s a crowd. 兩人成伴,三人不歡

I hope he does not come over to our table. Two's company; three's a crowd.


Two's company, three's a crowd but what is four and five?


"In married life three is company and two is none."寥寥十個字,就說出了夫妻要過百分百的兩人生活的困難。其實這句話就是從Two's company, three's a crowd衍生的!

English Idioms Episode II(英文慣用語30句第二集)

1. A. Little Bird Told Me(據消息靈通人士稱,有人私下告訴我)

How did you know that I play chess? Let's just say I know because a little bird told me.

A little bird told me that the singer was set to be engaged.


A little bird told me that he was going to jump ship.


2. A Little Bird Told Me.

2. An Uphill Task(費力的工作,艱巨的工作)

Trying to conserve natural resources is indeed an uphill task.

Fight an uphill battle. 打硬仗.

This is hard, uphill work. 這是艱難且費力的工作。

3. An Uphill Task(費力的工作,艱巨的工作)

3. A Hat Trick(帽子戲法,一人連續三次取勝的成績)


比如前英國首相Margaret Hilda Thatcher夫人,三度競選連獲成功,這史無前例的成就,美國《時代周刊》當時稱之為Margaret Thatcher Hat Trick

Robson scored two fine goals and narrowly missed a hat trick.


Sheva's hat trick at the Olympic against Lazio in a memorable 4-4.


It looked as though the party was going to achieve a hat trick in this election.
4. At a Crossroads(面臨抉擇關頭)

Andre was at a crossroads, when he had to decide between going to law school or medical school.

The car conked out at the crossroads. 汽車在十字路口拋錨了。

at the crossroads一般用複數因為是兩條路組成。

Our business is at the crossroads: if this deal succeeds, our future is assured; if not, we shall be bankrupt.

我們的商號正處在緊要關頭: 倘若此番交易成功, 前途自無問題, 否則就要破產

The president says America is at a crossroads in the fight against terror.

5. Be All Ears(洗耳恭聽) Listening in reverent attention

You heard about the new boy in class? Shoot girl, I'm all ears.

A: Do you have a minute to talk?
B: Sure, I am all ears. What’s up?

Tell me that , I really want to know, I'm all ears.

6. Barking Up The Wrong Tree(弄錯目標,浪費時間和精力)

If you think I'm the guilty person, you're barking up the wrong tree.

A: Oh, my goodness. Look at these documents.
D: What happened?
A: There are some coffee stains. Now I have to re-type all of
them. I was wondering who did it.
D: Beats me. It wasn’t me.
A: But it seems like something you would do.
D: How could you say that? Not me. You hear that?
A: I saw you drinking coffee....
D: Stop it, A. You are barking up the wrong tree.

7. Burn Your Fingers(由於愚蠢行為而吃苦頭)

If you don't listen to my advice, you may burn your fingers.


With all his foolish behaviors, he finally burn this fingers.


I had my fingers burned the last time I questioned the company policy.

8. Burn The Candle At Both Ends(一隻蠟燭兩頭燒  因太勤奮工作而過度勞累或體力透支)

You'll wear out if you keep burning the candle at both ends.
I don't know how much longer I can burn the candle at both ends.

I'm worried about my daughter. In addition to her heavy class load, she's been holding down a part-time job and training to run a marathon. Next week she's got final exams, which she's been staying up late to study for. If she keeps burning the candle at both ends, she's bound to get herself sick. 女兒很讓我擔心。除了繁重的課業以外,她還要出去打工,同時為參加馬拉松進行訓練。下星期是期末考試,她每天都睡得很晚,復習功課,如果她一直這樣下去,一定會累病的。

When I was younger, I had lots of energy. I used to work all day, and then go out partying with my friends until morning without getting tired. But those days are long gone. I can no longer burn the candle at both ends.


9. Break A Leg(祝你好運)

此說法源於莎士比亞時期的舞臺傳統。演出結束後,演員一般要到臺前謝幕,如果演員演得好,觀眾就會於此時給小費,而演員行「趨膝禮」,此為Break A Leg之由來。

On the night of the play, Holly's father told her to break a leg.

意思:good luck; do a great job in the show.

來源: Saying this to a performer before a show has long been a theatrical tradition. It comes from an old German saying, Hals-und Beinbruch (break your neck and leg), and was shortened to just the leg.

在戲劇界的傳統裡, 都會在表演者上台前跟他說這句話. 最早來源是來自德國用語-摔斷脖子和腿, 後來只用"摔斷腿".

Isn't it your first stage performance? well, go out there and break a leg.

Go break a leg.


1. To pull one's leg逗別人,開別人玩笑

e.g.: Hey, stop pulling my leg, will you! 喂,你別逗我了,行不行!

e.g.: You are pulling my leg.你在愚弄我。

2. To shake one's leg(= hurry up),指趕快動作的意思。

e.g.: Hey, shake a leg, man!老兄,走快一點!

e.g.: "Let's shake a leg there, you guys! 喂!你們這幫人快點兒吧!

e.g.: "Come on, shake a leg, son, or you're going to be late for school."


e.g.: Shake a leg there! We’ve got to get to the destination by seven!


3. Break a leg!(= Good luck!) break a leg是祝福別人成功。通常對要上台表演的人說 break a leg表示祝他好運 表演成功。或者,你的朋友明天要去參加高考,你就可以對他說:Break a leg!

e.g.: It’ll be your turn on stage in few minutes. Go break a leg!


10. Bring The House Down(表演得非常精彩 博得满堂喝采)

She will bring the house down at her solo show next week.

John is a funny comedian. His jokes always bring down the house.


If the band wants to bring the house down, they should play their most popular song.

11. Bite the Dust(獻身而亡)

Oh, he bit the dust yesterday. I found him floating in the tank. I'm really bummed out about it.


It was such a serious battle that all the soldiers bit the dust. The native dedicated a monument in honor of them.


My old bike choked, spluttered before finally biting the dust.
12. Bite Off More Than You Can Chew(不自量力)

David and Sarah planned to completely renovate their house by themselves. In the end, they bit off more than they could chew and had to pay builders to finish it.

We often forget that, the key to success lies in not biting off more than you can chew.

Listen son, you have a lot of responsibilities already. Are you sure you can manage football and your studies and your job? Be careful you don't bite off more than you can chew.

4. Bite Off More Than You Can Chew(不自量力)

13. Bite the Bullet(硬著頭皮應付)

5. Bite the Bullet(硬著頭皮應付)

In our life, everyone may have to bite the bullet at certain times.

Getting your car repaired is often an expensive business, but all you can do is bite the bullet and pay up.

修整汽車往往是一件很花錢的事, 可是你只能咬緊牙關付帳單。

14. Caught Red Handed(當場被逮到 一個人做壞事當場被人贓俱獲。)


Jane tried to cash a forged check at the bank, and the teller caught her red-handed.

Ashley's brother was caught red-handed at the scene of the crime.
15. Can Of Worms(

SamHow's it going, Carol? 山姆:最近過得怎樣,卡蘿?
Not bad. But I had a weird conversation with Paul this morning.
What happened? 山姆:發生了什麼事?
We were just talking nicely, but then I asked him about his wife.
Oh, no. You shouldn't have opened a can of worms.
Yeah, I know. He spent about half an hour telling me about it.
What did he say? 山姆:他說了什麼?
Well, I guess she's hanging out with some rock stars in town.
Oh, no. 山姆:噢,不。
Well, don't jump to conclusions. Wait until there are photos or some other evidence.

This political scandal is a real can of worms.
16. Finger-pointing & The Blame Game (交相指責與諉過於人)


至於blame game的用法如下:

Harry Truman, who was President from 1945 to 1952, was one man who did not play the blame game. He had a sign on his desk: The Buck Stops Here.


17. Face The Music(勇於承擔責任,臨危不懼)

不得不接受懲罰、承擔後果face the music = Confront unpleasantness, especially the consequences of one's errors.

Come what may I'll brace myself and face the music. I'd rather die than implicate others!


Come on now... buck up... face the music... nose to the grindstone.


Mary broke a dining-room window and had to face the music when her father got home.
18. Flights of Fancy/Fantasy(想入非非, 異想天開)

Her latest flight of fancy is to go camping in the Sahara desert!

You were talking about cycling across the US, or was that just another flight of fancy?
19. Hit The Panic Button(不要驚慌:Don't go hitting the panic button)

It's tough being calm and composed when you hit the panic button.
20. In The Nick Of Time(千鈞一髮之際、生死存亡關頭)

Nick是用刀子等銳器劃下的刻痕,原本是重要大事的戳記。in the nickin the very nick都是指到了某個「重要時刻」。

We arrived just in the nick of the time. Another five minutes, our plane would have left without us.

Sam was experimenting with stir frying last night and the wok caught fire. Luke rushed in with the fire blanket just in the nick of time.

I reached the airport in the very nick of time and made my flight.
21. In A Nutshell(總而言之,一言以蔽之)

To put it in a nutshell, we're bankrupt. 簡潔說, 我們破產了

I will put it in a nutshell. 我將概括地說。

This is the story in a nutshell. 這故事的大概就是如此。

The whole matter lay in a nutshell. 整個事情可以一言以蔽之。

Don't beat around the bush, give me the details of the meeting in a nutshell.
22. Keep Your Fingers Crossed(祝你好運)

Cross your fingers, everything will go well.
= Keep cross your finger, everything will go well.

I hope you win the race this Saturday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
23. Keep Eye On The Ball(機靈的;反應快的,很能幹的)

That new secretary is really on the ball. I think she'll get promoted soon.

Bill would do better in his classes if he would just keep his eye on the ball.
24. Pants On Fire(

在美國,小孩捉弄或取笑說謊的人時,會唱順口溜Liar, liar, pants on fire.

On the dance floor, he moved like his pants were on fire.

Somebody’s pants are on fire.
25. Read Between the Lines(體會絃外之音;懂得言外之意)

Although he seems happy, I read between the lines that he is in trouble.


Let's read between the lines and not  
jump to conclusions


.Reading between the lines, I'd say that Martin isn't very happy with the situation.
26. See Eye To Eye(觀點一致,意見相同)

They see eye to eye on this matterThey do not see eye to eye on how to sanction Iran


Our business has been successful because Tom and I work so well together. Sure, we have some differences in personality, but on the important things, like which businesses to invest in and who to hire, we see eye to eye.

我們的生意很成功, 因為Tom跟我合作得很好。沒錯,我們的個性不完全一樣,但是在重大事情上,比如在向哪些 公司投資和雇用什麼人的問題上,我們的看法是一致的。

Will labor and management ever see eye to eye on the new contract?
27. Stab in the Back(誹謗, 暗箭傷人)

I was very hurt when Jane made those stupid remarks about me. I had not expected a stab in the back from her.


She promised to support me in the meeting, but then she stabbed me in the back.


We were once friends, how could I know he would stab me in the back?


He told me that he loved me and would be faithful, but then he stabbed me in the back by dating that other girl.
28. Take A Beating(虧本;了錢。)

The Knights really took a beating in last night's game.

The democrats are going to take a beating. 民主黨人將被擊敗。

If you can't take a beating it's for the best.


I hope he doesn't take a beating. 我希望他別賠錢。

29. Take It With A Pinch of Salt(半信半疑;對持保留態度這件事情是審慎樂觀)

You must take his statements with a grain of salt. He often exaggerates.

Take what Mr. Chen said with a grain of salt. (對陳先生所說的,必須慎重考慮,他也許不是真心話。)
I will take her story with a grain of salt. (
註:grain 通常只用單數,故不加 s)
They took my explanation with a pinch of salt. I was sure they didn't believe me.
30. The Final/Last Straw(

The straw that breaks the camel's back,意思就是:那一根壓斷了駱駝背的稻草。現在人們經常把它簡化為:the last straw

All these years I've tried to be a good wife, even though you're lazy, you drink too much and half of the time don't even have a steady job. But when I find out you are spending money on another woman, that's the last straw! I want you out of my house right now and I never want to see you again.


I put up with a lot from this guy. He borrowed my clothes, he borrowed my money, he borrowed my tennis racket. But when I caught him using my toothbrush that was the last straw, so I kicked him out!


When she showed up late a third time, that was the straw that broke the camel's back.
31. Walk a Tight Rope(四面兼顧、平衡局面)


So far Senator Blank has been able to walk a tightrope and keep support from both voters who favor the right to abortion and people who oppose it. But he'll have to pick a side soon

Keeping both sides in the dispute happy was akin to walking a tight rope.

The tightrope walker had us on tenterhooks until her reached the safety of the other side.


They have magic shows flying trapeze arts tightrope walking and even the clowns.


His most dangerous stunt was walking the tightrope without a safety net.


32. When Pigs Fly/Pigs Might Fly(除非太陽從西邊出來,比喻不可能發生的事)

Do you think Mary will quit her job now that she's pregnant?

Yeah, when pigs fly! There is no way she is giving up her career!
Do you think we could win the race? Sure...when pigs fly.
Someday I will win the lottery and buy a Ferrari.  Yeah... and pigs will fly!

6. When Pigs Fly除非太陽從西邊出來。