2013年6月29日 星期六

第一單元:問候(Greeting) Part II (6-29-2013)



第一單元:問候(Greeting)  Part II

Greetings bring people close, and greetings make people happy.

1. Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for.

第一單元PART II內容(content of episode II unit one)
七、和初次見面的人交談(First meet someone)
八、有關工作(About work)
九、有關學校(About school)
十、有關家庭(About family)
十一、有關興趣、愛好(About hobbiesinteresting)
十二、有關年齡、身高和體重(About ageheightweight)
十三、有關天氣(About weather)

七、和初次見面的人交談(First meet someone)

01. 您是哪裡人?

01. Where are you from?

02. 我是加拿大人。

02. I'm from Canada.

另外的說法: I was born in Canada. (我出生在加拿大。).

Box 21  from & come from之不同:
I come from Taiwan = 我來自臺灣
I am from Taiwan =
Joe: Where is she from in Spain?
Will: She’s from Bilbao.(她是西班牙的畢爾包市人)
Joe: She was from Prague? Or(她是布拉格人嗎?)
David: No, she was American, but she was over there teaching English.

03. 你覺得日本怎麼樣?

03. How do you like Japan?

04. 我喜歡。

04. I like it.

05. 您是來度假的嗎?

Box 221.Holiday2.Vacation3.Days off4.Leave5.Break的區別:
1.a holiday:每個人都放假的日子,例如宗教、節慶或國定紀念日,通常這些假日是法定假日,當美國人提及 the holidays/the holiday season,他們指的是包括Christmas,以及New Year's Day的這段假期,如 New Year holiday, a national holiday。但一般不包括週末。
on holiday/on one’s holiday 休假中
May 1st is a holiday in many European countries.
The plane was full of holiday-makers. 飛機上滿是度假的乘客
The airport was thronged with holiday-makers. 飛機場擠滿了度假的人
2.a vacation:通常指停止工作或讀書的假期,與天數無關。
summer vacationwinter vacationannual vacation
They are on vacation now.
He plans to go on vacation for most of July.
3.days off:純粹指不用上班,休息的日子或一段時間,例如週末,就是days off
day off (plural days off)a day of vacation; a day when one does not attend work, school etc.
After the accident, he took a day off.    Tuesday is my day off.
I want to take a day off to see the doctor. (我想自己一天不上班去看醫生。)
I got an afternoon off and went to the ball game. (請兩小時假看球賽。)
4.a leave:亦可當假期,但通常必須是自己申請的休假
ask for leave (請假)grant leave (准假)overstay ones leave (超假)sick leave (病假)maternity leave(產假)annual leave(年假)。
go home on leave請假回家
take one’s leave告辭
take French leave(不告而別)典故來自從前法國上流社會聚會,出席者要中途離去,根據禮法不必告訴主人家。
The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) records: "the custom (in the 18th century prevalent in France and sometimes imitated in England) of going away from a reception, etc. without taking leave of the host or hostess. Hence, jocularly(詼諧), to take French leave is to go away, or do anything, without permission or notice."
Why did you take French leave yesterday?
Did she take French leave at the party last Saturday?
The young soldier was punished for taking French leave to visit his girlfriend.
She is on six week’s paid leave. (她正在度六星期的有薪假期)
I get leave twice a year. = I have two leaves a year. (我一年有兩次休假)
5.a break:短時間的休息,亦指課堂間、工作時的短暫休息;音樂會的中場休息。
have/take a break 休息一下
There was a break in the concert.
They usually go shopping during their lunch break.

05. Are you here on vacation? *on business洽公on vacation度假

Box 23到美國旅遊或洽公美國海關時,海關官員必問的話語。
Are you here on business or for pleasure?    您來這是工作還是遊玩?

06. 我是來工作的。

06. I'm here on business.

07. 你習慣日本的生活了嗎?

07. Are you used to life in Japan? *be used to “習慣於,注意“d”不發音。

Box 24

1. be used to 意爲習慣於
主詞+be used to+動名詞 (習慣於)
其中的 to 是介詞,所以其後要接名詞或動名詞(不能接動詞原形)
He was used to taking a nap after lunch.
I am used to reading newspapers every morning. (每天早上看報紙)
They are used to going to a movie together. (他們習慣於一起去看電影)
2. used to 意爲過去經常
主詞+used to +動詞原形 (過去常常)
其中的 to 是不定詞,而不是介詞,所以其後只接動詞原形(不能接動名詞)。例如:
You used to stay up late every night.
We used to go jogging together.
She used to get up early.

07. No, not yet. (沒有,還不習慣。)

08. 你在日本待到什麼時候?

08. How long will you be in Japan?

09. 待到12月。

09. Until December.

10. 你說日語嗎?

10. Do you speak Japanese?

11. 我一點兒都不會說。

11. I can't speak Japanese at all. *not...at all “一點都不會…

12. 我會一點兒日常會話。

12. I know (everyday) conversational Japanese.

八、有關工作(About work)

13. 你瞭解他的背景嗎?

13. Do you know his background?

14. 我在一家電腦公司工作。

14. I work for a computer company.

15. 你在哪個部門工作?

15. Which department do you work for?

16. 這個工作你做了多長時間了?

16. How long have you been doing that job?

17. 10年了。

17. For 10 years.

18. 上下班路上要花多長時間?

18. How long does it take (you) to commute?

19. 1個小時左右。

19. About one hour.

20. 你怎麼去上班?

20. How do you get to work?

21. 我坐地鐵。

21. I ride the subway.

22. 我現在失業了。

22. I'm out of work now. *out of work “失業

九、有關學校(About school)

23. 你是學生嗎?

23. Are you a student?

24. 我是個大學生。

24. I'm a college student. *在美國,college指包括university在內的大學。

Box 25  各種學校
I'm a junior college student. (我是大專三年級生。) freshman sophomore junior senior
I go to a vocational school. (我上職業專科學校)
I go to a cram school. (我上的是補習學校)

25. 我正在學習英文。

25. I'm studying English.

26. 我上……大學。

26. I go to...university. *elementary school “小學junior high school “中學high school “高中

27. 你上幾年級了?

27. What year are you in? *這句主要是問高中和大學的年級。如果是問小學生的話,應該用What grade are you in?

28. 我上一年級。

28. I'm a freshman. *在美國的高中和大學一年級是freshman,二年級sophomore


  在美國有些州的學制,沒有初中(junior high school)。在小學(elementary school):用

  I'm in first grade.表示1年級,I'm in second grade.表示2年級。

29. 我明年畢業。

29. I'll graduate next year.

30. 你的專業是什麼?

30. What's your major?

31. 我的專業是英語。

31. I'm an English major.

32. 你在打工嗎?

32. Do you have a part-time job? *零工是a part time job,正式職工是a full-time worker

Moon-light job是兼職,不繳稅的工作;Moonlighting兼職。

33. Do you have a part-time job? (你在打工嗎?)

33. 我一個星期去一次書店做收銀員。

34. I work at a bookstore as a cashier once a week.

34. 畢業以後你打算做什麼?

35. What are your plans after graduation?

35. I haven't decided yet. (我還沒有決定。)

十、有關家庭(About family)

36. 你家有幾口人?

36. How many people/person are there in your family?

   How many family members do you have

37. 四口人。

37. Four people/person.

38. 父母和我的妹妹。

38. My parents and my younger sister.

39. 你有兄弟姐妹嗎?

39. Any brothers or sisters?

40. 只有一個哥哥(弟弟)

40. Just one brother. *justonly都表示只有,只。想明確表示哥哥時用older

   brother,弟弟用younger brother

41. 我住在公寓裡。

41. I live in an apartment.

42. 你結婚了嗎?

42. Are you married?

43. 不,還沒有。

43. No, not yet.

44. 我有對象了。

44. I have a fiancé. *fiancé來自於法語,fiancé是“未婚夫”;fiancée是“未婚妻”。兩者字尾不同,發音一樣。

45. 我打算明年結婚。

45. I'm going to get married next year.

46. 我結婚了。

46. I'm married. *“獨身I'm single表示。

47. 我訂婚了。

47. I'm engaged.

48. 有孩子嗎?

48. Any children?

49. 我有兩個男孩。

49. I have two boys.

50. 我有一個女兒,在上小學。

50. I have one daughter in elementary school.

十一、有關興趣和愛好(About interestinghobbies)

51. 你有什麼愛好?

51. What are your hobbies?

Box 26HabitCustomPracticeHobbyPastime
1. She has an annoying habit of biting her fingernails.
2. I’m not in the habit of lending money.
1. Social customs vary greatly from country to country.
2. It was his custom to get up early and have a cold bath.
1. I’ll lend you the money this time, but I don’t intend to make a practice of it.
1. Her hobbies are music, reading and handicraft.
2. Her hobbies include swimming and gardening.
3. I keep the hobby for so long, never getting tired of it.
1. His main pastime is gambling.
2. Watching football in England has never been a traditional family pastime 看足球在英國從來沒有成為傳統的家庭消遣形式。
3. Reading is my favorite pastime, which brings me a lot of pleasure.
1. Although I major in English, I have more interest in art.
2. Knowledge in the books opens my eyes and arouses my interest in more related topics.

52. 業餘時間你都幹什麼?

52. What do you do when you have free time?

53. 我喜歡看電影。

53. I like to watch movies.

54. 你喜歡看什麼樣的電影?

54. What kind of movies do you like?

Box 27電影的種類 (Different Kinds of Movies)
horror movie
war movie
action movie
sci-fi movie
(science fiction movie)
martial arts

55. 你喜歡哪種運動?

55. What kind of sports do you like?

56. 我是棒球迷。

56. I'm a baseball fan.

此段附有美國人標準發音編號1596   需時17
Box 28rabid fans    瘋狂(超級)粉絲
Joe: it’s crazy. And, the fans were such rabid fans. I mean, a lot of deadheads... The only music they would listen to was the music of the Grateful Dead.
rabid fans: people who really like something are ‘rabid fans’ of it 
例如rabid football fans rabid baseball fans
Kristin: Wow. I could see why people would think that was a bit cultish.
網路上贊揚林書豪的一首歌中寫到:…學習林書豪的堅持、毅力和努力不懈的奮鬥! Now 20,000 rabid fans scream his name(現在兩萬名瘋狂的粉絲大聲叫著他的名字…)

57. 我喜歡打高爾夫球。

57. I like to play golf.

58. 你練習過健美操嗎?

58. Have you ever done aerobics?

59. 你對什麼感興趣?

59. What are your interests? *interest “愛好關心的事

60. 你去國外旅行過嗎?

60. Have you ever traveled abroad?

61. 你去哪兒了?

61. Where have you been?

62. 我去美國和德國了。

62. I've been to the U.S. and Germany.

63. 下次你想去哪兒?

63. Where do you want to go next?

十二、有關年齡、身高和體重(About ageheightweight)

64. 你多大了?

64. How old are you? *在美國,出於禮貌是不問別人的年齡、體重和身高的。除非是自己熟悉的人,最好回避提及這些問題。

65. 48歲。

65. I'm forty-eight.

66. 你的體重是多少?

66. How much do you weigh?

67. 75公斤左右。

67. About seventy-five kilograms. *在美國英國等國家不用公制單位,而用pound(1磅=453克,複數是pounds)磅(英語:pound)是英國與美國所使用的英制質量單位,簡寫是lb

68. 我重164磅。

68. I weigh a-hundred-sixty-four pounds.

68. I weigh 164 Ibs. *Ibs.讀為pounds

69. 你有多高?

69. How tall are you?

70. 180左右。

70. About one-hundred-eighty centimeters. *在美國英國等國家不用公制單位,而用foot英尺計算(1英尺=30.48釐米(cm),複數是feet1英吋=2.54釐米,複數是inches)

71. 我身高5英尺3吋。

71. I'm five feet three inches tall.

71. I'm 5’3” tall.

十三、有關天氣(About weather)

72. 今天真熱呀!

72. It's very hot today, isn't it?   *isn't it? 帶有……!”的語感。

73. 天氣炎熱。

73. It's blistering hot.

Box 29如何表達「天氣很熱 」:

1. burning: very hot
It’s burning hot. 天氣好熱喔!
I am burning hot. 我好熱喔!
It's burning up out there. 外面熱得跟火爐似的.
2. Swelterto be very hot and uncomfortable
▪We were sweltering in the summer heat.
▪a sweltering summer day
3. Scorcher
非正式用法: a very hot day
At a scorching(酷熱) 1100 degrees Celsius, Galapagos is one of the most volcanic place on earth.
Tomorrow is going to be a real scorcher.
several days of scorching heat.
a scorching summer afternoon.
The day was scorching hot[=extremely hot] .
Roast the peanuts while being careful not to scorch them. 把花生烤一烤,要小心不要把他們烤焦了。
The hot pan scorched the table. 這個熱鍋(平底淺鍋)把桌面給烙了一個印。
The hot sun scorched the grass. 好大的太陽把草給烤乾了。
The land was scorched by drought. 這塊土地因乾旱而損壞了。
4. Sultry: very hot and humid 又熱又潮溼。
sultry July weather. 七月悶熱的天氣
the sultry sands of the desert. 沙漠灼熱的沙粒
It's very close and sultry today. 今天天氣很悶熱。
It is sultry rather than warm. 這天氣與其說暖和不如說悶熱。
It's really sultry. There isn't a breath of air / wind.
In the sultry weather of that week I longed for a real storm to break and clear the air.
Before this thunder shower,the heat was oppressive, the atmosphere was sultry, and there was not a breath of air.
Taiwan’s summer weather is sultry.
5. Muggy: very hot 很熱。
Sometimes it is quite close and muggy. 有時候很悶熱很濕熱。
6. Sizzling
The sun was beginning to sizzle the land. 太陽開始使大地炎熱。
sizzling summer heat炎熱的夏季氣候
These tight shoes have given me blisters on my ankles.
 這雙鞋太緊, 把我的腳跟磨起了泡。
The heat had blistered the paint of the building.
A large blister or vesicle. 大水疱或水泡
會灼傷人的天氣,我們可以說scorching heat 或者blistering heat

74. 今天的天氣真好!

74. It's a fine day today.

75. 明天的天氣怎麼樣?

75. What's the forecast for tomorrow?    forecast預測, 預報

The teacher forecast that twenty of his pupils would pass the examination.


76. 今天的天氣怎麼樣?

76. How's the weather today?

77. 今天會下雨嗎?

77. Is it going to rain today?

78. 好像要下雨。

78. We're expecting some rain.

79. 下雨了。

79. It's raining.

80. 今天會下雨吧!

80. It's going to rain today.

81. 今天很熱、很暖和、很冷、清冷。四句合併以省空間

81. It's hotwarmcoldchilly today.

82. It sure is. (就是。)

82. It's a windy day. (今天風很大。)

83. It's humid.(今天很悶熱。)

84. It's dry.(氣候乾燥。)

85. 暴風雨天氣。

85. It's stormy.

86. 下雪了。

86. It's snowing.

87. It's gloomy.天陰沉沉的。

Box 30about Gloomy
Being alone in that gloomy house gave me the willies.
A few faint gleams of sunshine lit up the gloomy afternoon.
The future looks rather gloomy, but we live in hope.
It's a gloomy day. 這是一個令人沮喪的日子。
A damp, gloomy day. 濕而陰鬱的一天

88. 看樣子我們會遇上雷陣雨。

88. It looks like we are going to have a thunder shower.

89. A typhoon is coming. (颱風快到了。)

90. It's foggy.(起霧了。)

Box 31:「天氣很冷」的表達方式 :
除了常用的cool, cold以外還有什麼字可以表示冷?
1.Freeze 動詞,後面不加受詞: to be very cold
▪ I am freezing my butt off.我快凍僵了(這是非常不正式的口語用法,朋友之間常常會如此使用。)
▪The children are going to freeze out there without their coats.
▪She nearly froze to death. [=nearly died from the cold]
▪The guard ordered him to freeze. 警衛命令他不要動。
▪The deer froze in the road as the car approached it. 當車子馳向鹿時,牠在路中間靜止不動了。
▪She froze(up) when the teacher asked her a difficult question. 當老師問她一個難題的時候,她僵住了。
2. Chilly : noticeably cold 明顯的冷
▪ a chilly morning
▪ a chilly breeze
▪ It's a little chilly outside.
feeling cold 覺得冷
▪ I was getting chilly.
▪ You must be chilly without a coat on.
抽象用法:明顯的不友善(noticeably unfriendly)
▪ They gave him a chilly reception.
3. Bracingpleasantly cool or cold
clean, bracing air
bracing很像的一個字就是 brace
The town is bracing for a busy tourist season.
We braced for the storm.
She braced herself for the news.
4. nippy非正式的用法 : somewhat cold : 有一些冷
▪a nippy morning
a nippy fall day. 寒冷的秋天
It's jolly nippy today, isn't it? 今天可夠冷的, 是吧?
nippy有一個相似的字,nip ,也是個很常用的英文字。
▪ The dog nipped at my ankles.
▪ The New York Mets nipped the Atlanta Braves 1–0.
nip off
▪ He nipped off the bud with his fingers.
▪ She nipped the dead branches off with her clippers.

91. It's freezing.(冷得像要結冰了。)

Box 32Freeze又一章:
v. 凍結,凝固;凍僵,凍傷;凍牢,凝住;呆住;冷凍(食物)
His terrible stories made our blood freeze.
The cold weather froze the lake. 寒冷的天氣把湖水凍住了。
o   凝住;不動
freeze! Come on, get up! 不許動,起來!
o   變得不友善;高傲
o   Relations with somebody were still in deep freeze.
The performance froze on her face. 笑容不自然地僵在她臉上。
o   (因恐懼等而)呆住;(使)戰慄
She froze at the sound of a gun. 她一聽到槍聲就嚇呆了。
She froze her noisy children with a single look.
I'll buy extra meat and just freeze it.
Several people were found lying dead in the street during the big freeze last winter. 去冬嚴寒期街上發現好幾具屍體。
price freeze凍結物價
frozen [ freeze ] frame (電影等的)靜止鏡頭
We can go across the freeze river. 我們可以橫過這凍結了的大河。
New ideas in those remote areas remain in deep freeze.

92. We're going to have a blizzard.(快要下暴風雨了。)

A blizzard is a very bad snowstorm with strong winds.

·       Retailers were hit with a blizzard of new products and brands in all shapes, sizes and colors.


93. It's pleasant.(這天真舒服。)

94. 今天風和日麗。

94. It's mild today. *mild 表示氣候溫暖的,溫和的

95. It's misty.(霧濛濛的。)

95. It's overcast today.(今天陰天。)

Box 33有關陰雨天:
【陰天】= overcast 【雨天】= rainy 【綿綿細雨】= drizzle 【微雨】= drizzle
【驟雨】= shower 【暴雨】= rainstorm 【雷雨】= thunderstorm
在英文裏不管下毛毛雨或是毛毛雪我們都可以用 drizzle sprinkle 這兩個動詞來表示. Drizzle 這個字就是氣象術語裏「下毛毛雨」的意思. sprinkle 則是由動詞表示「撒水」而來,老美庭院中自動澆花草的設備就叫做sprinkler
sprinkle也常被用來形容毛毛雨, 常聽到的用法就是, "It's drizzling." 或是 "It's sprinkling."

2. Raining cats and dogs下了傾盆大雨。

Head in the clouds想入非非

Chasing rainbows A wild goose chase追求不現實的幻想

96. It's breezy today.(今天風和日麗。)

breezy微風輕拂的, 有微風的

We went for an outing on a breezy day.我們在一個微風輕拂的日子去遠足。

You're very bright and breezy today!    你今天滿面春風啊!

Box 34有關颳風天:
【微風的】= breezy 【氣旋】= cyclone(熱帶地區) 【旋風】= whirlwind
【颶風】= hurricane(西大西洋) 【颱風】= typhoon(西太平洋) 【龍捲風】=tornado

97. 今天的天氣讓人不舒服。

97. It's uncomfortable today.

98. The heat is killing me.(熱死我了。)

99. 下了傾盆大雨。

99. It's raining cats and dogs! *cat ()dog ()來表示傾盆大雨。

3. It's raining cats and dogs! 下了傾盆大雨!

100. It's frosty today.(下霜了。)

PART I90項+PART II100MP3錄音播放總共約需時30

Box 35此段附有美國人標準發音編號1597   需時22
Under the weather  不舒服 生病
Kristin: So who are you just gettin’ off the phone with?
Joe: Oh, I was speakin’ to my grandmother.
Kristin: How’s she doing?
Joe: Yeah, she’s doin’ okay. She was actually feelin’ under the weather last week but, now she’s alright.
               alright: okay or good                feelin’ under the weather: sick
Kristin: Oh, did she just have a cold or somethin’?
have a cold: to be sick
Joe: Yeah, she said that there was somethin’ goin’ around. my aunt had it
and my niece had it. So she might have caught it from one of them.
somethin’ goin’ around: people you know are sick    caught it: got sick



