2013年7月5日 星期五

英文慣用語10句第五集(English Idioms Episode 5) 7-5-2013五




英文慣用語10句第五集(English Idioms Episode 5)
01. rack one’s brain & spare no effort絞盡腦汁、不遺餘力。
To cudgel one's brainsto exercise one's wits. or rack one's brains try one's best to think
 Rack one's brain就是絞盡腦汁,相同意思的慣用語是 spare no effort (不遺餘力),反義字就是 halfhearted不認真的; 不熱心的。
1. The engineer racked her brain to find the bug.
2. To let buy book behavior rationalize, not hesitate rack one's brains,
  take all steps.
3. He racked his brains during the test trying to solve the difficult
4. Henry racked his brains trying to remember where he left his key
5. We racked our brains for an answer.
6. I have been racking my brains trying to remember where I put the
   remote control.
1. rack one’s brain絞盡腦汁。
Rack one's brain相同意思的慣用語是spare no effort不遺餘力,其中spare是節約或省略,而effort是努力,因此spare no effort就是毫不保留的盡力努力,也就是不遺餘力。
2. The listed company spared no effort in upgrading its R&D center.
listed company上市公司,
R&D 就是 research and development 的縮寫,是指研究發展。
Rack one's brain 的反義字是 halfhearted,只用了半顆心的心態,也因此halfhearted是指不認真的; 不熱心的。
3. The busboy was canned for his halfhearted attitude.
   Cannedcan (罐頭)的形容詞,但同時也有「被停止」的意思,
02. Green with envy非常羨慕or嫉妒。
Green eyed就是嫉妒得不得了。另外有一個和green-eyed意思相同的慣用語,叫做green with envy,其實有異曲同工之妙。
I was green with envy at his remarkable achievement
He was green with envy at his colleagues ' promotion
3. I was green with envy when John won the grand prize of the lucky draw.
4. A: I got green-eyed when I heard that she would be going to Bangkok
   for vacation.
B: Well, don't be. It'll be your turn next time.

5. Her new job's high pay has her ex-colleagues green with envy.
Interesting English expressions involving colors:
    My brother was the black sheep(害群之馬) of the family. He got into a lot of trouble as a young boy and ran away from home at 16. One day, out of the blue(突然之間), he came home and wrote my parents a big check. I couldn't believe it if it wasn't in black and white(白紙黑字) It turns out he now runs a successful gardening company as he's always had a green thumb(很有園藝的天份). My parents were tickled pink (樂瘋了)by his return and I was green with envy(又羨慕又忌妒).
1. black sheep 指家庭或團體中的不成材的成員,類似中文說的害群之馬。
2. out of the blue 突然發生。
3. in black and white 指白紙黑字,寫的清清楚楚。
4. to have a green thumb (有綠拇指),意指很有園藝的天份。
5. to be tickled pink (被逗樂的臉成粉紅色),很高興的意思。
6. be green with envy (嫉妒),中文說眼紅表示嫉妒,英文用綠色來形容。
03. top notch & first-rate一流的
1. His performance of Li Bai is top-notch. 他扮演的李白特別出色。
2. These guys make top-notch Pinot and Chardonnay.
3. Attica is defined by avant-garde design and top-notch sound from a world-class system. Attica被評為能設計前衛且音響設備頂尖的俱樂部。
4. Others despite their lack of formal training in finance have gone on to do good work in top-notch companies.
5. We need a top-notch writer! 我們需要的是頂尖的編輯!
6. An ace reporter; a crack shot; a first-rate golfer; a super party; played top-notch tennis; an athlete in tiptop condition; she is absolutely tops.
7. Supposed to be top notch in computer and robot technology at MIT.
8. This secluded paradise is just a few miles from downtown yet worlds apart with miles of hiking and biking trails boating and water sports beaches that continually rank in the top ten top-notch tennis and golf facilities and upscale resort properties.
10. Luke is a first-rate simultaneous interpreter.
simultaneous interpreter是指同步口譯者。
11. He is a first-rate actor.
12. He blossomed out as a first-rate athlete.
13. Her new book shows her to be a first-rate novelist.
14. The questions he raised are of first-rate importance.
2. first-rate一流或最佳的。
04. one-of-a-kind & one and only獨一無二。
1. The recent discovery of numerous extrasolar planets confirms that our solar system is not unique.
2. It's a unique work of art. 這是獨一無二的藝術作品。
3. The one-of-a-kind outfits created by big name designers Oscar De La Renta Stephen Burrows Elisa Jimenez and others included a strapless beige ball gown a cream baby-doll dress with ribbon and sheer overlay and a pink and yellow taffeta skirt with a silver recycled polyester bustier.
4. She is a vibrant individual, one-of-a-kind.
5. Locals display pride in their island and its one-of-a-kind culture.
6. Cirque du Soleil puts on a one-of-a-kind
7. This is a
one-of-a-kind market. I love to shop here.
8. Normally I don't care much for classical music -- U-2 is more my style. But I can listen to Mozart all day long. Just imagine: he died at thirty-five and he wrote six hundred pieces of music. He was certainly one of a kind."
9. I've seen all the great fighters in the last thirty years. And I think the best was Muhammad Ali-Haj. He was one of a kind -- he could move faster and hit quicker than anybody else I ever saw."
05. common & garden-variety & run-of-the-mill普通的,平凡的。
1. A run-of-the-mill tear jerker.賺人眼淚的平凡影片。
run是指一般類型; 或普通產品,而 mill就是製造工廠,所以run-of-the-mill就是指好像工廠裡製作一般類型的產品,因此,也就是平凡的;普通的。
2. That flick was just a run-of-the-mill tear jerker.
  flick是電影的俗稱,而tear jerker就是感人落淚的故事、戲劇或電影。
3. I mean these are not your run-of-the-mill salad bowls. These are
   primo gifts. 我是說,這些不是普通的沙拉碗,它們是第一份禮物。
4. This is a basic run-of-the-mill car, but it gets me where I want to go.
5. When the governor steps down next year, he will become a run of the mill citizen.當州長明年下臺後,他就變為普通的國民。
6. This is just a run of the mill apartment.
7. My friend is driving a run of mill used car.
8. Don’t be afraid of him; he is just run of the mill.
Run-of-the-mill 的相同義詞是 garden-variety,它是比喻在任何花園裡都能夠找到的一般種類的植物,所以garden-variety 的意思也是普通的;一般的。
1.  There are too many garden-variety sitcoms on television.
sitcomsituation comedy的簡稱,情境喜劇的意思。
06. to cast / put a damper on something & to throw cold water on something & burst your bubble & rain on your parade粉碎某人的美夢,潑人冷水。
一、 to throw/pour cold water on somethingput a damper on (something)
1. Stop throwing cold water on my proposal!
2. Our parents threw cold water on our plan to camp in the mountains because they thought it was dangerous.
He poured cold water on my championship hopes, saying that my opponent could easily beat me.
二、 to cast / put a damper on something
damp是潮濕,但damper確與潮濕無關,而是指火爐的節風閘板 When the damper is closed, the fire goes out 關上節風閘,爐火就會熄滅。引伸其義成為潑冷水。
1. The cold weather put a damper on our plans.
2. John's wet blanket and put a damper on everything.
3. A death in the family put a damper on our Christmas celebrations.
4. Normally that situation would put a damper on demand.
5. However, morning sickness and fatigue can put a damper on anyone's libido.
6. This unwelcome news put a damper on the celebrations.
7. Rain put a damper on our picnic plans.
8. Jealousy and anger will put a damper on what could be a very good
   week romantically.
9. Avoid negative friends, well meaning relatives and others who put a
   damper on your dreams.
   少接觸做事消極的朋友, 或者那些雖是善意的卻否定你的夢想的人.
10. I just hope that whole pony incident didn't put a damper on the
11. I hate to put a damper on your party, but you are too loud.
   我不願給你們的聚會潑冷水, 但是你們也太大聲了.
12. Other differences between films and music may also put a damper
    on Apple's ambitions.
13. Her icy attitude cast a damper on our enthusiasm.
三、throw cold water on 潑冷水
1. I thought my idea was great, but my boss threw cold water on it.
2. Stop throwing cold water on me.
3. Everybody else in the office thought my idea was great, but the boss
   threw cold water on it.
4. I've been planning to go to medical school but my dad threw cold
   water on this idea the other day when he told me he wasn't sure he
   had the money to pay my tuition for so long.
3. throw cold water on 潑冷水。
四、 throw a wet blanket on 潑冷水
1. Peter likes to throw a wet blanket on the discussion.
2. He is such a wet blanket.
五、 burst my bubble潑冷水
1. I had a great idea for a new website, until George burst my bubble and told me someone had already got there first.
2. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but the party has been cancelled.
3. I hate to burst your bubble, but you won't be getting a pay rise this year.
(當什麼東西 bubbles up 這就說這個東西漲起來了,或者可理解為什麼事情突然出現或發生了。)
Anger and unrest have been bubbling up across parts of the city today.
六、rain on your parade潑冷水
1. Jason: Hey baby, I made a reservation to this great restaurant on 12/22.寶貝,我訂了1222號的高級餐廳。
Jenny: Oh, sorry to rain on your parade, but I’ll have to work that day. 我不是想要潑你的冷水,但那天我要上班。
2. I don't want to rain on your parade, but I think the proposal you made is not workable.我不想掃你的興,但我覺得你的提案行不通。
4. rain on your parade潑人冷水。
07. make a killing & to break even
make a killing能在片刻間帶給人帶來巨富或者讓人傾家蕩產的証卷交易或大賺一筆錢。
to break even收支打成平手,得失相當。
1. Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street. In two days this stock he bought doubled in price so he sold it off quick at a 100 percent profit just before it went down again.
2. It was a joke, of course, but five million Americans were amused enough to pay five dollars a piece for the rocks. And the man who dreamed up the idea really made a killing.
1. What does break even mean? “持平是什麼意思?
2. How long before you break even? 多長時間能夠做到收支平衡?
3. Monica: I figured out I need to charge seventeen bucks a jar just to
   break even. So I've got a new plan now.
4. The salesman miscalculate the discount so we hardly break even on
the deal.
5. break even. 打成平手,得失相當。
08. unexpected & out of the blue & all of a sudden出乎意料、意料之外的、突然的。
1. My boyfriend made my day when he appeared out of the blue.
2. All of a sudden, the pickpocket was caught red-handed.
3. John arrived out of the blue.約翰出人意外地來了。
4. A driver may testify that he was going the normal speed limit when a truck appeared in front of him out of the blue and he did not have time to stop.
5. The announcement that the president of our university was quitting to go to another school hit us like a bolt out of the blue. He's always said he liked it here so much he would stay until he retired."
6. She won the first prize of the lottery out of the blue.
Out of the blue的相反就是 cut-and-dried,意思是「預先安排好的;或乏味老套的」,好像切好而且乾掉的水果一樣。
1 The President's on-the-spot speech doesn't feel cut-and-dried at all.
09. Keep an eye on & look after照顧; 注意
look after的相反是 let slide 忽視;忽略
1. I've put the vegetables on to cook; please keep an eye on the potatoes while I go to the corner shop for some ice cream.
2. She had to go out unexpectedly and asked her husband to keep an eye on the dinner in case in burned.
3. Please keep an eye on the children. 請照看一下孩子們。
4. Tell your Arian to keep an eye on the visitors.
5. Jason and Frank returned to their own quarters so as to be able to keep an eye on the compound.
6. In the world of high finance you have to keep an eye on the barracudas.
7. Countries have to keep an eye on martial nations.
6. Keep an eye on照顧; 注意。
10. know-how本事、技術=expertise 專業知識。
1. We need the know-how to get the ball rolling.
2. She has 20 years' teaching experience to draw on.
3. He accomplished expertise in mental arithmetic()at such an early age.
4. We were amazed at his expertise on the ski slopes.
7. know-how本事=expertise 專業知識。

01. rack one’s brain & spare no effort絞盡腦汁、不遺餘力。

To cudgel one's brainsto exercise one's wits. or rack one's brains try one's best to think

 Rack one's brain就是絞盡腦汁,相同意思的慣用語是 spare no effort (不遺餘力),反義字就是 halfhearted不認真的; 不熱心的。


1. The engineer racked her brain to find the bug.


2. To let buy book behavior rationalize, not hesitate rack one's brains,

  take all steps.


3. He racked his brains during the test trying to solve the difficult


4. Henry racked his brains trying to remember where he left his key


5. We racked our brains for an answer.

6. I have been racking my brains trying to remember where I put the

   remote control.


1. rack one’s brain絞盡腦汁。

Rack one's brain相同意思的慣用語是spare no effort不遺餘力,其中spare是節約或省略,而effort是努力,因此spare no effort就是毫不保留的盡力努力,也就是不遺餘力。

2. The listed company spared no effort in upgrading its R&D center.


listed company上市公司,

R&D 就是 research and development 的縮寫,是指研究發展。

Rack one's brain 的反義字是 halfhearted,只用了半顆心的心態,也因此halfhearted是指不認真的; 不熱心的。

3. The busboy was canned for his halfhearted attitude.


   Cannedcan (罐頭)的形容詞,但同時也有「被停止」的意思,


02. Green with envy非常羨慕or嫉妒。

Green eyed就是嫉妒得不得了。另外有一個和green-eyed意思相同的慣用語,叫做green with envy,其實有異曲同工之妙。

I was green with envy at his remarkable achievement
He was green with envy at his colleagues ' promotion

3. I was green with envy when John won the grand prize of the lucky draw.


4. A: I got green-eyed when I heard that she would be going to Bangkok

   for vacation.
B: Well, don't be. It'll be your turn next time.

5. Her new job's high pay has her ex-colleagues green with envy.


Interesting English expressions involving colors:
    My brother was the black sheep(害群之馬) of the family. He got into a lot of trouble as a young boy and ran away from home at 16. One day, out of the blue(突然之間), he came home and wrote my parents a big check. I couldn't believe it if it wasn't in black and white(白紙黑字) It turns out he now runs a successful gardening company as he's always had a green thumb(很有園藝的天份). My parents were tickled pink (樂瘋了)by his return and I was green with envy(又羨慕又忌妒).
1. black sheep 指家庭或團體中的不成材的成員,類似中文說的害群之馬。
2. out of the blue 突然發生。
3. in black and white 指白紙黑字,寫的清清楚楚。
4. to have a green thumb (有綠拇指),意指很有園藝的天份。
5. to be tickled pink (被逗樂的臉成粉紅色),很高興的意思。
6. be green with envy (嫉妒),中文說眼紅表示嫉妒,英文用綠色來形容。

03. top notch & first-rate一流的

1. His performance of Li Bai is top-notch. 他扮演的李白特別出色。

2. These guys make top-notch Pinot and Chardonnay.


3. Attica is defined by avant-garde design and top-notch sound from a world-class system. Attica被評為能設計前衛且音響設備頂尖的俱樂部。

4. Others despite their lack of formal training in finance have gone on to do good work in top-notch companies.


5. We need a top-notch writer! 我們需要的是頂尖的編輯!

6. An ace reporter; a crack shot; a first-rate golfer; a super party; played top-notch tennis; an athlete in tiptop condition; she is absolutely tops.


7. Supposed to be top notch in computer and robot technology at MIT.


8. This secluded paradise is just a few miles from downtown yet worlds apart with miles of hiking and biking trails boating and water sports beaches that continually rank in the top ten top-notch tennis and golf facilities and upscale resort properties.



10. Luke is a first-rate simultaneous interpreter.


simultaneous interpreter是指同步口譯者。

11. He is a first-rate actor.

12. He blossomed out as a first-rate athlete.

13. Her new book shows her to be a first-rate novelist.

14. The questions he raised are of first-rate importance.

2. first-rate一流或最佳的。

04. one-of-a-kind & one and only獨一無二。


1. The recent discovery of numerous extrasolar planets confirms that our solar system is not unique.


2. It's a unique work of art. 這是獨一無二的藝術作品。

3. The one-of-a-kind outfits created by big name designers Oscar De La Renta Stephen Burrows Elisa Jimenez and others included a strapless beige ball gown a cream baby-doll dress with ribbon and sheer overlay and a pink and yellow taffeta skirt with a silver recycled polyester bustier.


4. She is a vibrant individual, one-of-a-kind.


5. Locals display pride in their island and its one-of-a-kind culture.

6. Cirque du Soleil puts on a one-of-a-kind

7. This is a
one-of-a-kind market. I love to shop here.

8. Normally I don't care much for classical music -- U-2 is more my style. But I can listen to Mozart all day long. Just imagine: he died at thirty-five and he wrote six hundred pieces of music. He was certainly one of a kind."

9. I've seen all the great fighters in the last thirty years. And I think the best was Muhammad Ali-Haj. He was one of a kind -- he could move faster and hit quicker than anybody else I ever saw."

05. common & garden-variety & run-of-the-mill普通的,平凡的。

1. A run-of-the-mill tear jerker.賺人眼淚的平凡影片。

run是指一般類型; 或普通產品,而 mill就是製造工廠,所以run-of-the-mill就是指好像工廠裡製作一般類型的產品,因此,也就是平凡的;普通的。

2. That flick was just a run-of-the-mill tear jerker.


  flick是電影的俗稱,而tear jerker就是感人落淚的故事、戲劇或電影。

3. I mean these are not your run-of-the-mill salad bowls. These are

   primo gifts. 我是說,這些不是普通的沙拉碗,它們是第一份禮物。

4. This is a basic run-of-the-mill car, but it gets me where I want to go.

5. When the governor steps down next year, he will become a run of the mill citizen.當州長明年下臺後,他就變為普通的國民。

6. This is just a run of the mill apartment.

7. My friend is driving a run of mill used car.

8. Don’t be afraid of him; he is just run of the mill.

Run-of-the-mill 的相同義詞是 garden-variety,它是比喻在任何花園裡都能夠找到的一般種類的植物,所以garden-variety 的意思也是普通的;一般的。

1.  There are too many garden-variety sitcoms on television.


sitcomsituation comedy的簡稱,情境喜劇的意思。

06. to cast / put a damper on something & to throw cold water on something & burst your bubble & rain on your parade粉碎某人的美夢,潑人冷水。


一、 to throw/pour cold water on somethingput a damper on (something)

1. Stop throwing cold water on my proposal!

2. Our parents threw cold water on our plan to camp in the mountains because they thought it was dangerous.


He poured cold water on my championship hopes, saying that my opponent could easily beat me.


二、 to cast / put a damper on something

damp是潮濕,但damper確與潮濕無關,而是指火爐的節風閘板 When the damper is closed, the fire goes out 關上節風閘,爐火就會熄滅。引伸其義成為潑冷水。

1. The cold weather put a damper on our plans.


2. John's wet blanket and put a damper on everything.


3. A death in the family put a damper on our Christmas celebrations.


4. Normally that situation would put a damper on demand.


5. However, morning sickness and fatigue can put a damper on anyone's libido.


6. This unwelcome news put a damper on the celebrations.


7. Rain put a damper on our picnic plans.


8. Jealousy and anger will put a damper on what could be a very good

   week romantically.


9. Avoid negative friends, well meaning relatives and others who put a

   damper on your dreams.

   少接觸做事消極的朋友, 或者那些雖是善意的卻否定你的夢想的人.

10. I just hope that whole pony incident didn't put a damper on the



11. I hate to put a damper on your party, but you are too loud.

   我不願給你們的聚會潑冷水, 但是你們也太大聲了.

12. Other differences between films and music may also put a damper

    on Apple's ambitions.


13. Her icy attitude cast a damper on our enthusiasm.


三、throw cold water on 潑冷水

1. I thought my idea was great, but my boss threw cold water on it.
2. Stop throwing cold water on me.

3. Everybody else in the office thought my idea was great, but the boss

   threw cold water on it.

4. I've been planning to go to medical school but my dad threw cold

   water on this idea the other day when he told me he wasn't sure he

   had the money to pay my tuition for so long.


3. throw cold water on 潑冷水。

四、 throw a wet blanket on 潑冷水
1. Peter likes to throw a wet blanket on the discussion.
2. He is such a wet blanket.

五、 burst my bubble潑冷水

1. I had a great idea for a new website, until George burst my bubble and told me someone had already got there first.

2. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but the party has been cancelled.

3. I hate to burst your bubble, but you won't be getting a pay rise this year.

(當什麼東西 bubbles up 這就說這個東西漲起來了,或者可理解為什麼事情突然出現或發生了。)

Anger and unrest have been bubbling up across parts of the city today.

六、rain on your parade潑冷水

1. Jason: Hey baby, I made a reservation to this great restaurant on 12/22.寶貝,我訂了1222號的高級餐廳。
Jenny: Oh, sorry to rain on your parade, but I’ll have to work that day. 我不是想要潑你的冷水,但那天我要上班。

2. I don't want to rain on your parade, but I think the proposal you made is not workable.我不想掃你的興,但我覺得你的提案行不通。

4. rain on your parade潑人冷水。

07. make a killing & to break even

make a killing能在片刻間帶給人帶來巨富或者讓人傾家蕩產的証卷交易或大賺一筆錢。

to break even收支打成平手,得失相當。

1. Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street. In two days this stock he bought doubled in price so he sold it off quick at a 100 percent profit just before it went down again.


2. It was a joke, of course, but five million Americans were amused enough to pay five dollars a piece for the rocks. And the man who dreamed up the idea really made a killing.

1. What does break even mean? “持平是什麼意思?

2. How long before you break even? 多長時間能夠做到收支平衡?

3. Monica: I figured out I need to charge seventeen bucks a jar just to

   break even. So I've got a new plan now.



4. The salesman miscalculate the discount so we hardly break even on

the deal.


5. break even. 打成平手,得失相當。


08. unexpected & out of the blue & all of a sudden出乎意料、意料之外的、突然的。

1. My boyfriend made my day when he appeared out of the blue.


2. All of a sudden, the pickpocket was caught red-handed.


3. John arrived out of the blue.約翰出人意外地來了。

4. A driver may testify that he was going the normal speed limit when a truck appeared in front of him out of the blue and he did not have time to stop.


5. The announcement that the president of our university was quitting to go to another school hit us like a bolt out of the blue. He's always said he liked it here so much he would stay until he retired."


6. She won the first prize of the lottery out of the blue.


Out of the blue的相反就是 cut-and-dried,意思是「預先安排好的;或乏味老套的」,好像切好而且乾掉的水果一樣。

1 The President's on-the-spot speech doesn't feel cut-and-dried at all.


09. Keep an eye on & look after照顧; 注意

look after的相反是 let slide 忽視;忽略

1. I've put the vegetables on to cook; please keep an eye on the potatoes while I go to the corner shop for some ice cream.


2. She had to go out unexpectedly and asked her husband to keep an eye on the dinner in case in burned.


3. Please keep an eye on the children. 請照看一下孩子們。

4. Tell your Arian to keep an eye on the visitors.


5. Jason and Frank returned to their own quarters so as to be able to keep an eye on the compound.


6. In the world of high finance you have to keep an eye on the barracudas.


7. Countries have to keep an eye on martial nations.


6. Keep an eye on照顧; 注意。

10. know-how本事、技術=expertise 專業知識。

1. We need the know-how to get the ball rolling.


2. She has 20 years' teaching experience to draw on.
3. He accomplished expertise in mental arithmetic()at such an early age.

4. We were amazed at his expertise on the ski slopes.

7. know-how本事=expertise 專業知識。

