2013年7月3日 星期三

英文慣用語30句第四集(English Idioms Episode 4) PART I 7-3-2013三


英文慣用語30句第四集(English Idioms Episode 4) PART I

─摘自《英漢成語異同比較》作者肖芬(Xiao Fen)老師,中國,中南財經政法大學外語學院副教授。
Content of English Idioms Episode VI(15 Items)
01. A flea in one’s ear.尖刻的斥責。
    Put a bug in one’s ear.事先警告。
02. A shot in the arm.
03. A skeleton in the one’s closet.
04. Beauty is only skin deep.
05. Bend one’s elbow.喝醉酒
06. Bone of contention.爭論不休、爭議的焦點
    Have a bone to pick with someone.
    Make no bones about something.直言不諱
    Bone up on something.臨陣磨槍
07. Break one’s back.
08. Cost an arm and a leg.所費不貲
09. Have an axe to grind. 對事不滿而耿耿於懷
10. Paint someone into a corner.使自己或某人陷入困境
11. Take a backseat.保持低姿態
12. To air one’s dirty laundry/linen in public.家醜外揚
13. To go into orbit.勃然大怒
14. To let someone off the hook.擺脫困境
15. Walk on airOn the top of the worldOn cloud nine極其高興

01. walk on air非常高興,雀躍三尺

very happy and joyful.

on the top of the world on cloud nine 的意義相近。
1. After graduation many students are walking on air.
2. As soon as he learns of his promotion, he walks on air.
3. After her first date with Bob, she seemed to walk on air.
02. Bone of contention:爭論不休

Contention意思是鬥爭或者爭論。兩條狗為了爭奪一根骨頭,而打得不可開交的場面,這也許就是bone of contention這個習慣用語的典故。一根骨頭固然微不足道,但有時為了一根骨頭卻會掀起軒然大波,造成嚴重後果。下面這個例子,讓我們體會一下bone of contention含義是什麼。

1. Who got to use the family car was a bone of contention between Joe and Betty from the day they got back from their honeymoon. In fact it's one of the reasons for their divorce.


2. The length of the project was a major bone of contention during the talks between the city and the developer.

3. The border has always been a bone of contention between these two countries. 這兩國之間的邊界問題歷來是爭議的焦點.


1. a bone of contention爭論的原因;爭議的焦點。


(1). a bone of contention爭論的原因;爭議的焦點。

(2). have a bone to pick with someone要跟你算帳

Have a bone to pick with you (要跟你算帳; 找你講個明白; 對你有意見)

to discuss something, mostly with different opinions or argument)。
這個俚語來自十九世紀,是指兩個人為了某事而爭論,好像兩隻狗在爭吃一根骨頭(bone)一樣。如果有人 has a bone to pick with you,也許就意味著與你有爭辯或有不同看法。
One of my staff had a
bone to pick with me concerning my policy.
When someone has a
bone to pick with you, what will you do?

(3). make no bones about something直言不諱

make no bones about something
意思是誠懇或直接地說出來(say something directly and precisely; to be honest or say what you want to say直言不諱,毫不猶豫
The boss makes no
bones about the policy that all employees must be punctual.
The father has made no bones about his daughter's coming home no later than midnight.
She is beautiful; no bones about it. 她真是很漂亮。(=without a doubt
(4). bone up on something臨陣磨槍,臨時抱佛腳
My boss asked me to take a test, so I’m just boning up on some things I need to know.



03. a flea in one's ear刺耳的話;尖刻的斥責。


The idea about changing the schedules is a flea in the supervisor's ear that we wish he would forget.

Don't blame me if you come back with a flea in your ear!


put a bug in one's ear事先给人消息、警告

He didn't know it until I put a bug in his ear.


I know you want to transferred to the sales department. I'll put a bug in the boss' ear for you.




1. to have butterflies in one’s stomach 非常緊張


2. to have a bee in one’s bonnet 胡思亂想



My brother have a bee in his bonnet about modern art.


He has a bee in his bonnet about health foods.


In a lilac sun bonnet she was it. 她戴著一頂紫色遮陽帽,漂亮極了。

He has a bee in his bonnet about the anniversary celebration.


3. to have ants in one’s pants 坐立難安


4. to put a bug in one’s ear 給人暗示或警告


5. to be a fly on the wheel 妄自尊大;不自量力


6. to be bitten by a … bug ……感興趣


7. to make a beeline for 直奔……趨之若鶩


8. the bee’s knees 了不起的人或事

  Her new roadster is simply the bee’s knees.

9. as busy as a bee 非常忙碌

  I was as busy as a bee all weekend.

10. as merry as a cricket 開心的

  I felt as merry as a cricket as I waited for my friend to arrive at the airport.

11. bug-eyed 目瞪口呆,訝異

   The little boy was bug-eyed when he got a new bicycle for his birthday.

12. a flea in (someone’s) ear 刺耳的話;譏諷

   I put a flea in our supervisor’s ear when I told him about the computer problems.

13. (as) snug as a bug in a rug 非常舒適

14. a social butterfly 交際花

15. fly in the ointment 令人掃興的事或人;美中不足之處

    We were having a picnic, when suddenly there came a downpour, which was rather a fly in the ointment.

    當我們正在舉行野餐的時候, 忽然大雨傾盆,未免大煞風景。

    He got a job with high salaries and little responsibility, but a fly in the ointment was that the location was far.


16. knee-high to a grasshopper 兒時

    I've known him since he was knee-high to a grasshopper.


17. like a moth to a flame 飛蛾撲火

    She's attracted to him like a moth to a flame.


And you were like a moth to that flame. 你像是撲火的飛蛾。

2. like a moth to a flame 飛蛾撲火

04. cost an arm and a leg太貴或不值得所費不資very expensive or not worth the cost)。
1. My wife bought a mink coat that cost an arm and a leg.
2. He regretted that he bought a computer that cost an arm and a leg.

3. The house has cost them an arm and a leg, so they are short of money now. 買房子花了他不少錢, 手裡自然有些緊。

4. That new guitar costs him an arm and a leg.那把新吉他花了他不少錢。

05. have an ax to grind
意思是別有用心、為自己打算或對事不滿而耿耿於懷,為自己利益去佔他人便宜。(being selfish; try to gain benefits from others or get mad for something)或想報復某人。(to get back at someone
1. He has an ax to grind toward his boss because he did not get a pay raise.    ax 也可拼成 axe
2. It is not a good idea to have an ax to grind against others.
如果你對人誠懇,不占別人便宜,就可以說:I have no ax to grind. I don't have an ax to grind.
06. a skeleton in the/one'scupboard/closet


If you want to be a successful politician, you can't afford to have too many skeletons in your cupboard.

I learned last night that Mr. Smith's youngest son has been three times sent to prison. I wonder how many other skeletons he's got in his closet.

SOMERSET: In this city, if all the skeletons came out of all the closets... if ever hidden bodies were to suddenly rise again, there'd be no more room for the living.


07. bend one's/the elbow

喝酒;縱飲 (喝酒過量)狂飲(常指喝啤酒),縱酒,也可指一般地喝酒=to drink alcohol.

Henry came to work late today; he must have been bending his elbow last night. (亨利今天上班遲到;他昨晚一定喝酒了)
Jack's bending the elbow with his friends all afternoon.


Sharp’s be bending the elbow with his mates all afternoon.


He’s too fond of bending his elbow.他沉溺於無節制地飲酒。

We’ll tip the elbow over at my place.去我那兒喝酒吧。

08. beauty is only skin deep


1. Teresa may not be pretty but you know beauty's only skin deep.

2. Beauty is only skin deep. What matters is a person's character, rather than his/her appearance.


3. Joe likes to brag about all the friends he has. But to tell the truth, his friendships are only skin-deep -- the only person he really cares about deep down in his heart is himself.

Joe 老是喜歡吹噓他有好多朋友。但是,說實話,他和這些朋友的友情都很膚淺。他心目里真正關心的一個人就是他自己。

4. Sure, Mrs. Brown is the best-looking woman in town. But you know what they say: beauty is only skin-deep. Underneath, she's about as mean and stingy as anybody can be.


that really gets under one's skin作為俗語就是實在令人感到討厭,實際上和皮膚沒有任何關系,而用在描寫情緒。

5. Most of the kids in my fifth period English class are great, but Billy Brown really gets under my skin. He never stops talking, he teases the girls until they cry, and he never turns in his homework on time.

在我第五節英語課裡的大多數學生都非常好。但是,Billy Brown真讓我討厭。他說話說個沒完。他還老是逗那些女孩,直把她們逗哭了為止。而且他從來也不準時交作業。

美國人常用 that really gets under one's skin這個說法來形容討厭和煩燥的情緒。

6. Jack is a nice guy but he has one habit that really gets under my skin he sits there all day and cracks his knuckles. You know, I think he doesn't even realize he's doing it.

Jack是一個很好的人。但是,他有一個習慣實在令我感到討厭。那就是,他成天坐在那裡把自己的手關節按得嘎嘎的響。 我想他自己恐怕都沒有意識到他在做什麼。

3. beauty is only skin deep.這句話是不對的

一個人的容貌主要是由臉部之肌肉及骨骼所決定,所以beauty is not only skin deep.

09. a shot in the arm興奮劑;強心針。


The latest opinion polls were a shot in the arm for the lawyer's campaign to become elected.

During the business recession in 2001 the Federal Reserve Board lowered the basic interest rate almost every month or so to make it easier to borrow money and thus give the economy a needed shot in the arm.

10. to let (someone) off the hook:意思是擺脫困境或脫手(let someone get out of difficulty),或是減少壓力(to ease the pressure)

If someone is off the hook, they have avoided punishment or criticism for something they have done.
This program will let some people off the hook on penalty payments.

這個計畫對某些人可以減低罰款的壓力也就是 they won't have to pay penalty
It would be a good idea for employers to let their employees off the hook sometimes.
The new president has let his predecessor off the hook concerning the sex scandal.
The committee will let the CEO off the hook if he resigns his post.

“He is on the hook for the business failure.”則是指他為生意失敗而負責。
(on the hook = be responsible)

Thanks for getting me off the hook. I didn't want to attend that meeting.

I couldn't get myself off the hook no matter what I tried.

Even though I didn't do my homework, my teacher let me off the hook because I was sick the day before.


It was supposed to be Johnny's turn to set the dinner table, but he had a friend over so he was let off the hook.

4. to let (someone) off the hook


11. break one's back意思是壓力很大a lot of pressure or very stressful)。
As the work almost breaks his back, he has to get another job.
Last year her boss broke her back with a big challenge.
Mr. Chen broke his back working on his M.S. thesis.
master of science; thesis 一般指碩士論文;博士論文多用 dissertation
broke his back也可以表示真正的背部受傷(physically damage one's back
The old fellow lifted a heavy box and accidentally broke his back.

12. take a backseat次要的位子或保持低姿態(take second place or keep a low profile)。
這句話是由汽車後座而來,因為在 driver's seat 就能控制汽車行駛,而在 backseat 就是次要位子。(依一般老外習慣,高階層的人是坐在汽車前座,表示尊重,而在中國社會卻往往相反)。
Mr. Ku likes to take a backseat when it comes to a controversial issue.
As far as computer knowledge is concerned, I take a backseat to my son.
take a backseat
這句俚語與 play second fiddle 意義相同:
Some people do not want to play second fiddle.
13. paint someone(或 oneselfinto a corner
意思是使自己或某人陷入困境to trap oneself or someone; to be in trouble
Don't try to paint yourself into a corner.
After a heated debate with his boss, Mr. Chen has painted himself into a corner.
A: Why would you debate with your boss? You just painted yourself into a corner.
B: I just want to prove that my idea is right.
To keep you from painting yourself into that color correction corner!

5. paint someone(或 oneselfinto a corner.
14. to air (one's )dirty laundry(linen) in public


to reveal one's family secret (linen 是指內衣褲)
People do not want to air their dirty laundry in public.

Politicians usually hate to air their dirty linen to the media.


My downstairs neighbors fight a lot and air their dirty laundry

in public.

我樓下的鄰居打得很兇 ,還把他們家的醜事大聲嚷嚷。

I' never seen a company washing dirty linen in public this way.


I won't air your dirty linen in public.


As usual, they did not care to wash dirty linen in public.


Nobody wants to wash their dirty linen in public.


15. to go into orbit:意思是勃然大怒,暴跳如雷或是無法自我控制。

1become very happy or successful進入常軌;獲勝;順利;高興 Our team has gone into orbit.我們的隊已經很上軌道了。

2lose one's temper or control completelybecome very angry暴跳如雷

He was afraid his father would go into orbit when he found out about his failure in the examination again


When Mr. A learned of his wife's affair, he went into orbit.

Her husband went into orbit over his wife's infidelity.
She has gone into orbit because she just found out her husband is running around(with another woman).
通常“running around”多指男女間的胡搞,所以後面的“with another manwoman”都可省略


















