2013年7月10日 星期三

英文慣用語9句第九集(English Idioms Episode 9) 7-10-2013 三



英文慣用語9句第九集(English Idioms Episode 9)


─摘自《英漢成語異同比較》作者 肖芬(Xiao Fen)老師,中國,中南財經政法大學外語學院副教授。


1. Ballpark figure大約的估計數字。

ballpark figure 指大約估計的數字。

Just give me a ballpark figure.我只要一個大略的數字就可以了。

甚至有些老美就只說 ballpark, 所以美國老闆也有可能會說:

I'll need a ballpark of the revenue last year.


Ballpark figure的例句:

1. Right now I can only give you a ballpark figure, about fifty dollars.


2. How many? Could you give me a ballpark figure?


3. I can only give you a ballpark figure. I'd say around $600.


4. Well, cannot you just give me a ballpark figure?


5. Could you give me a ballpark figure on this room?


6. Do you want the ballpark figure? 個大概數字可以嗎?

7. I don't need an accurate quotation yet; just give me a ballpark

   figure.不需要確切引用語, 只要給我大致正確的就可以了。

8. Jenny, can you just give me a ballpark figure of total sales of last

   month? 珍妮, 你能給我上個月總銷售額大概數字?

9. At this time all we need is a ballpark figure . Exactness comes later.


10. Do you feel the IRS will accept your ballpark figure income tax

    Return 你想稅務局能接受你年終報稅的大約數字?

11. If you can't tell me the exact cost, please give me a ballpark figure.

    假如你不能告訴我準確價格, 請給我一個大約數字。

12. I'd like to ask for a raise can you give me a ballpark figure?

    我要求加薪,你能告訴我一個大約數字 ?

13. We can give you an inside field , ballpark figure but that's about it.

    我們可以給你們一大概估計, 但是只有這些而已。

14. I know you cant tell me exactly when itll be finished, but can you give me a ballpark estimate

1. Ballpark estimate大約的估計。

2. be a laugh a minute有趣,令人好笑。


be a laugh a minute意涵的英文說明:

1. to be very funny and entertaining.
to be very funny, or enjoyable.

be a laugh a minute的例句:

1. Paul's clever screenplay makes this new comedy a laugh a minute.

2. Any meeting with a school principal has to be a laugh a minute.

3. You know what Mark's like he's not exactly a laugh a minute.

4. A two-hour meeting with Nigel Owen? I bet that was fun. Oh, it was

   a laugh a minute.

   a minute and everybody moves on.


7. To put me off for a minute or make me laugh.

8. You're a laugh a minute, Frank.


9. It was laugh-a-minute stuff, and maybe we were allowed to make more mistakes off the pitch than the young lads today.


2. be a laugh a minute有趣,令人好笑;有時幽默的指無趣,不好笑。

3. chew the fat or rag / Fat farm /Fat chance/Fat cat/Fat check/Fat city.


1. chew the fat or chew the rag 幾個朋友、同事或一些熟人坐在一起隨便聊天、閒聊。

2. Fat farm一個健身的機構,去那裡的人要做大量的鍛煉,但是東西吃得很少.有的美國人很難控制他們的體重,所以每年去一次 fat farm 為了減肥.

3. Fat chance機會渺茫。

4. fat cat政治捐款大方的有錢人、富裕而有特權的人。

5. fat check巨大金額支票.
6. fat city無憂無慮的富裕生活。

一、chew the fat or chew the rag的例句:

1. I was up until four this morning chewing the fat with my roommate and a couple of friends who dropped in.


2. Jack is a quiet man who writes books. In fact, he has published several highly-regarded books on Asian history. But all his wife likes to do is chew the fat with her friends all day long. I'm surprised that their marriage still holds together.


3. The older women meet to chew the fat with their neighbors every morning. 這些上了年紀的婦人每天上午和鄰居們湊在一起閒聊。
4. Last night they just sat and chewed the fat for an hour.


5. Uncle George likes to come over to chew the fat every Sunday

   afternoon. 喬治叔叔每星期天的下午都會過來閒聊一番。

6. We sat there drinking beer and chewing the fat until it was time to

   go home. 我們坐在那兒喝著啤酒聊天,一直聊到該回家的時候。

A: We stayed up very late last night chewing the fat about our

   university days. 我們昨天聊大學時代的事情聊到很晚。
B: Chew the fat? Don't you have other things to eat?

   什麼? 咀嚼脂肪?你們沒有其他東西可以吃了嗎?

A: You should go do something more meaningful instead of chewing

   the fat.
B: But we really enjoy talking about the good old days.

9. They liked to sit at the sidewalk cafe in the afternoon, chewing the


二、Fat farm的例句:

1. My sister Sally is back from the fat farm again. She lost twenty pounds there. But the way she eats, I'm sure she'll gain it back and go back to the fat farm next year.


2. Sally did something very embarrassing at the fat farm. One night she quietly phoned out to order a pizza thinking nobody would know, but she got caught by the fat farm manager. So she quit the next day and returned home.


3. Connie has registered to attend a fat farm this summer.


4. Lenny goes to a fat farm to lose50lbs.


5. My sister Sally is back from the fat farm again.


6. There is a famous fat farm in California.


7. Newer fat farm programs not only focus on weight loss, but also on changing behavior through a combination of training on self-regulatory behaviors and cognitive behavioral therapy.

   較新減肥中心的工作不只注重體重減輕, 它也注重經由自我節制行為訓練與認知行為心理治療的結合來改變其行為。


三、fat cat的例句:

定義: 政治捐款大方的富人、富裕而有特權的人。
1. They're the fat cats in our town. They've got tons of money.


2. It’ seems like you're living like a real fat cat these days.


3. On June 25, it got fussy, rebellious, selfish, ego driven fat cat


625, 好萊塢看上了神經質、叛逆、自私、自我為中心的大胖貓加菲。

4. A fat cat is a person with a lot of money.

Fat cat意思是很有錢的人。

5. You're on the wrong side Of the street, fat cat. Beat it!

你不該來街的這邊的, 肥貓! 滾開!

6. Garfield is a selfish, lazy, and incredibly fat cat.


7. His father is a fat cat business person.


8. Since many bosses have a large belly, it a hallmark of a fat cat.

   許多老闆都大腹便便, 因此啤酒肚就成了富翁的一個象徵。

9. The fat cat died and left his son a big sum of money.


10. No fat cat sales teams. The Valley has gotten fat salespeople with big bases and big variables.

    解散吃得肥頭大耳的銷售團隊, 矽谷到處充斥著這些拿著高額底薪和獎金的銷售人員。

四、Fat chance的例句:

定義:不可能, 渺茫的希望或機會。
1. Fat chance that he will let me use his car. He never lets me borrow

2. Were you scared?  A fat chance. 你當時受驚了嗎? 才不呢。

3. A higher school team would have a fat chance beating a strong

   college team. 一個中學隊不太可能擊敗實力強的大學隊.

4. Fat chance I can get a thicket for the concert.


5. A slim chance and a fat chance can be the same.


6. B : It's a fat chance of voting out his suggestion.


7. You want to a date with me? Fat chance

   你想要跟我約會 門兒都沒有!

8. The batty a fat chance to marry the slim girl.


9. I have a fat chance to get the job. 我得到那份工作機會渺茫.

10. A fat chance he has of winning the title! 他奪得冠軍的希望極渺茫!

11. That she will win the lottery is a fat chance.


12. Fat chance He'll be lucky to get into college at all.


13. Fat chance I can get a copy of the story.


14. We will have a fat chance to win the game on Saturday.


15. We will have a fat chance to win the game.


16. Fat chance of voting out his suggestion.


17. Fat chance I can get there on time. 我不太可能按時到那。

18. Me, marry a millionaire? Fat chance!

   我嫁給一個百萬富翁? 太不可能了!

19. That was a joke, Ha Ha! Fat chance?

   這只是一個玩笑, 哈哈! 也許是好機會?

20. You have a fat chance. 你機會渺茫。

21. Fat chance of catching the thief. 不太可能抓到這個賊。

22. Fat chance, I be out of town tomorrow. 大不可能, 我明天要出埠。

23. The way you eat, you have a fat chance of losing any weight.

    看你吃東西的樣子, 要減肥幾乎是沒有希望了.

24. Fat chance you have of driving from London to Bristol in under an



25. Jane is pretty and popular. You a fat chance of getting a date with


    簡又漂亮又招人喜愛, 你跟她約會機會渺茫。

26. John felt it was a fat chance and he must never let It'slip.


27. There a fat chance Michael will be chosen by any director at



28. John felt it was a fat chance and he must never let it slip.

29. I really want to ask Sally out, but I'm afraid to ask her. She can have her choice of any man in this school a fat chance she'd ever go out on a date with an ordinary guy like me!


五、 fat check的例句:
定義: 巨大金額支票。
1. The President is getting a fat check from the IRS this year, which is enough to single-handedly put a family of four over the poverty threshold.

The IRS is the Internal Revenue Service.(相當於國稅局)

It is the branch of the United States government that is responsible for the collection and enforcement of taxes.

今年總統將要收到國稅局一張大額支票, 光這張支票就足夠使四口之家脫離貧窮。
六、 fat city的例句:

1. After I get the big bonus my boss promised I'll be in fat city.

   我老闆向我保證, 等我拿到這份巨額獎金之後我可以過著無憂無慮的富裕生活。
2. had watched the needle on the scale swing slowly to the right and hit her with "wow... fat city."


3. Hey, you think this could mean a nice fat city contract for me?


4. John's neighbors are in fat city. 約翰的鄰居們都很成功富有。

七、 fat hit the fire/fat is in the fire的例句:

火上加油, 問題變得益發不可收拾, 場面變為火爆。
1.  Kate accused Jennie of lying that's when the fat hit the fire.

   Kate指控Jennie說謊就在這個時候, 場面變得火爆。

2. Sorry, dear the fat is in the fire. no way can you retract the " offer " without doing a lot of damage to the relationship



When the chips were down(關鍵時刻)these people didn't turn tail(溜之大吉)and knuckle under(逆來順受). Instead, when the fat was in the fire(問題變得益發不可收拾), they stepped up to the plate(面臨重大的考驗) and cut the mustard(幹得出色,合乎標準和要求).

例一、After five days of play three players were tied at the last hole. The chips were down and Tiger had to sink a very long putt to win the tournament.


例二、We saw this rough-looking guy bending over the window of our car trying to break in. We yelled at him; he looked around, then turned tail and ran away as fast as he could.


例三、But I'm not going to knuckle under to this guy any more. I'm going in and tell him how bad he's treated me, yell I quit, then walk out and slam the door on him.



When the chips were down, these people didn't turn tail and knuckle under.


例四、I'm afraid the fat is in the fire; our biggest customer has just canceled his contract with us. It'll be hard to stay in business unless we can find some new contracts in a hurry.


所以the fat is in the fire剛發生的事帶來了近在眼前的麻煩,造成隨時可能爆發的危機(大禍臨頭)

例五、When our boss died in an auto accident, our number two had to step up to the plate and take over. And I'm glad to say so far he's doing a great jobthings run very smoothly.


stepped up to the plate面臨重大的考驗例如站在本壘前打擊棒球,或考試或者從事其它重要的事項。

例六、Joe tried hard but he was too small and too slow to cut the mustard with the Giants. In other words, Joe didn't live up to his ambition.



所以cut the mustard意思就是幹得出色,合乎標準和要求

When the chips were down these people didn't turn tail and knuckle under. Instead, when the fat was in the fire, they stepped up to the plate and cut the mustard.

摘自大紀元美國習慣用語第493 & 494講的這段英語您看懂了嗎?

3. I'm afraid the fat is in the fire; our biggest customer has just canceled his contract with us. It'll be hard to stay in business unless we can find some new contracts in a hurry.


4. by the skin of one’s teeth間不容髮、恰好、剛巧

1. she missed failing that class by the skin of her teeth, so I told her she'd better take it again

2. We managed to win the game by the skin of our teeth.

3. My bones stick to my skin and to my flesh, and I have escaped by the skin of my teeth.”

4. I just got back from the ski trip and I missed the blizzard that hit by the skin of my teeth.

5. Even though I studied hard for the HSK test, I only passed by the skin of my teeth.

Just barely, very narrowly, as in Doug passed the exam by the skin of his teeth. A related term appears in the Bible (Job 19:20), where Job says, “I am escaped with the skin of my teeth,” presumably meaning he got away with nothing at all. Today the phrase using by is used most often to describe a narrow escape. [c. 1600] Also see squeak through.

5. be laughing on the other side of your face.

1. I have got some news here that will make you laugh on the other side of your face!

2. You'll be laughing out of the other side of your face if you fail your

3. He’ll be laughing on the other side of his face when he read this letter. 他看到這封信就要轉喜為憂了。

5. When they get through with him, he’ll be laughing out of the other side of his face.等他們同他把話說完,他就會轉喜為憂的。

6. He laughed on the wrong side of his face in pain.他在痛苦中呻吟。

7. My opponent finally laughed on the other side of his face in the election.我的對手終於在競選中被擊敗了。

8. He may laugh at our discomfiture now, but before long he'll be laughing on the other side of his face.

他現在可以我們幸災樂禍, 但是要不了多久他就會轉喜.

9. Paul boasted that he was a good skater, but after he fell, he laughed on the other side of his face.

保羅吹噓他冰溜得很, 跌了一跤後, 哭笑不得.

10. He'll be laughing on the other side of his face when he reads this letter. 看到這封信就轉喜為憂了。

11. This'll make them laugh on the other side of their faces.


12. They're going to laugh on the other side of their faces before they're through. 他們轉喜時候,他們通過了。

3. be laughing on the other side of your face.

6. have a crush on (sb)極愛、迷戀某人。

1. My friend has a crush on her biology teacher.


2. Bob has always had a crush on Lucy. 鮑伯一直在愛著露茜。

3. I have always loved you and I know I always will.

4. He has a crush on Alice. 他心儀愛麗絲。


20056月中旬,老牌女星珍芳達(Jane Fonda)對媒體表露心跡。她說40多年來,自己對男星勞勃瑞福( Robert Redford )一直都有私慕之意。媒體報導:She harbors a secret crush on him. 她暗自迷戀著他。


harbor a crush on someone是英文成語,意思是「熱戀某人」,亦作have a crush on someone。這種情懷在青少年期間(teenage)最為常見。然從上述「星」聞觀之,會有這種情懷的,也並不僅僅是青少年而已。至於harbor a secret crush on someone,意思則是「暗自迷戀某人」。

5. He has a crush on one of his classmates.他迷戀著班上一位同學。

6. Helen is his latest crush.海倫是他新近的熱戀對象。

7. John has ever been her crush. 約翰曾經是她的著迷對象。

8. What do you do when a boy you don't really like has a crush on you?


9. She has a crush on her handsome, rich boss, but refuses to bow down to him.雖然迷上了自己英俊富有的老闆,她卻並不聽命於他。

7. to turn around 扭轉/ overturn顛覆、推翻


1. She turned public opinion around by sticking to her gun.


2. The new Managing Director overturned many decisions made by his predecessor. 新的總經理推翻了許多他的前任所做的決定。

3. The accused murderer backed up his plea to innocence with an alibi.


4. Touchdown turnaround, everything is safe and sound.

   觸地轉身, 一切安然無恙.

5. The turnaround tentative, though, and comes amid continuing concerns about rising protectionism and weak global demand.

   不過,全球貿易的好轉跡象才剛剛顯現, 而且貿易保護主義的不斷升溫以及全球需求疲軟依然令人擔心.

6. Republican strategists attribute the turnaround to Schwarzenegger's return to the centrist persona that got him elected.


7. The economic turnaround has pulled millions out of poverty and is creating a thriving middle class.


8. Editor-in-Chief : When do you think the recession will end, or when will we have a turnaround?

   總編: 你認為目前的經濟衰退將在何時結束?何時才會出現轉機?

9. Ensure that laboratory reports are despatched to the correct location within the specified turnaround time.


10. This was what he was mouthing to Kaman after his turnaround shot in the 4th quarter.


11. This is a turnaround for the sugar business, previously notorious for exploited labour, insolvency and pollution.

    這是一個製糖行業轉折的機會, 以前製糖行業因為其剝削勞工 破產和污染等而臭名遠揚。

4. to turn around 扭轉。


1. Some high-ranking officers plotted to overturn the government.
2. She overturned the bottle.
3. The boat overturned.
4. The carriage overturned and the passengers were pitched out.

5. Overturn a puppet regime.推翻傀儡政權。

6. The House of Lords overturned the decision by the House of Commons.上議院撤銷了下議院的決定。

7. Medicare has said that it cannot overturn its decision without new evidence. 醫療保險方面指出如果沒有新的證據,將不會推翻自己的決定。

8. The defendant who hopes to overturn a guilty verdict must usually appeal. 希望推翻陪審團有罪裁決的被告人通常必須上訴。

9. However, I don't have authority to overturn the Church Board's decision. 然而我沒有權力去推翻堂董會的決定。

8. sky's the limit無限的可能性

sky's the limit 是隱喻著無限的可能性(the possibilities are endless)的一種口語化說法。

1. The minister said sky's the limit on future development of mutual relations. 部長表示雙方未來關係的發展將如蒼穹一樣遼闊。

2. For people who work hard at this company, the sky's the limit.


3. Order anything on the menu the sky's the limit.


4. 我的朋友很會賺錢,他請我吃飯的時候,我問他可以點什麼價位的菜,他總是回答說:「Sky is the limit」你愛吃什麼就點什麼,多貴也沒有關係!

5. He wins every contest he enters; I'd definitely say that the sky's the limit for him.

6. If you put your mind to something then the sky's the limit.


7. With lots of new job offers, it seems like the sky's the limit for Brent.

5. sky's the limit無限的可能性。

6. Timmy的夢想是當一位太空人(astronaut)

9. to follow your nose/to pay through the nose

under your nose / to be led by the nose

to follow your nose一直走的意思。

to follow your nose的例句:

1. Turn left at the next corner and then follow your nose -- you can't miss it.


很明顯,這句句子裡follow your nose的意思就是一直走。

2. You say you're looking for the French Bakery? Just walk two blocks north, turn left, and you can smell that wonderful smell of fresh bread baking, just follow your nose and it will bring you right to the front door.


to pay through the nose是指付出很高價錢。

to pay through the nose的例句:

1. My brother Bob borrowed the money to open his restaurant five years ago when the interest rate was so high, so he's been paying through the nose ever since.


2. Life is funny. When the famous Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh was alive, nobody wanted to buy his pictures. But now rich people will pay through the nose for one, sometimes more than five million dollars.


3. You'll have to pay through the nose for those curios.


4. You'll have to pay through the nose to get that.


5. Don't pay through the nose when you buy the furniture.


6. To get a ticket the opera, he had to pay through the nose.


7. There was a shortage of foodso you had to pay through the nose for what you could find.食品短缺,所以你要是能找到點什麼,就得出大價錢?

Under your nose的意思也就是一樣東西離你很近,但是,你就是沒有看到。under one's nose (東西)就在眼前; 明顯的。

under your nose的例句:

1. See, they were right under your nose all the time.

2. The keys were right under his nose.

3. Did you read in the paper how bold that robber was at the art museum . He cut three paintings from their frames and walked out with them right under the nose of the guards."

4. 實境英語:

A: Sorry, I'm late. I spent half an hour looking for my wallet.
抱歉, 遲到了! 我找我的錢包找了半個鐘頭。
B: Did you find it?
A: Yeah, I finally found it. The whole time it was under a newspaper on my coffee table right under my nose!
! 找到了。結果其實一直就在我的眼前, 蓋在茶几上的報紙下面!

5. They stole the jewels from under the very noses of the police.

7. under your nose.

Author and illustrator of books for young people, Lois Ehlert, shares how she interweaves her creative process with her daily routine.

To be led by the nose一個人全部在別人的控制之下,就像一頭牲口被人用繩子牽著鼻子走一樣。

Don't let other people lead you around by the nose.別讓別人牽著你的鼻子走。

To be led by the nose的例句:

1. Ed's wife is a strong-minded woman and leads him around by the nose.


2. Remember, Son, don`t let other people lead you around by the nose. You'll get along a lot better in life if you use your own judgment and do what you yourself think is the right thing.


3. John had to lead Tom by the nose to get him to the opera.

4. I'll go, but you'll have to lead me by the nose.

5. He will never find his way through the tax form unless you lead him by the nose.

6. Don't lead me by the nose! I'm coming!


